Still from 'The Witness: Portrait of r/WatchPeopleDie' (2017) by Tiyan Baker
8:30-10:30AM 07 July, 2022
For Release Cycle SEVENTH Gallery & Composite partner to present a 12-month screening series featuring clusters and conglomerations of moving works by visual artists that experiment widely with form and format.
For the 4th iteration of Release Cycle, we are delighted to present works by Tiyan Baker.
Tiyan Baker is a Malaysian Bidayǔh/Anglo Australian artist who makes video and installation art. Baker examines sites of contemporary cultural crises, and uses field research, documentary techniques and digital processes to question established discourses and reveal bias, frailty and failure.
Still from 'The Witness: Portrait of r/WatchPeopleDie' (2017) by Tiyan Baker