Kyun-Chome is a Japanese artist duo based in Tokyo, made up of Nabuchi (ナブチ, b. 1984, Mito) and Honma Eri (ホンマエリ, b. 1987, Yokohama). They emerged as an art unit after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, and rose to prominence after winning the 17th Taro Okamoto Art Award in 2014.
Kyun-Chome primarily creates video installations, conducting mid- to long-term residencies in socially divided regions to highlight what they have referred to as the “core reality” of a particular place or issue. They have engaged with a broad range of socio-political issues in Japan and abroad, such as natural and manmade disaster, immigration, national history, and gender identity. According to the artists, their work aims to blur the boundaries between perpetrator and victim, creating new associations between tragedy, comedy, and modern faith.